
    Samsung’s :New AI Can Create Fake Photos and Videos

    Samsung recently unveiled an enhanced version of its AI tool known as GANverse that can generate not just realistic fake images but fake videos as well. While the technology shows promise, some argue it also introduces potential new threats if left unregulated.

    How GANverse Works

    GANverse leverages generative adversarial networks (GANs), a type of deep learning where two neural networks compete—a generator creates media and a discriminator checks if it’s real or fake. With enough training on huge image datasets, the generator learns to mimic authentic photo and video styles to the point of indistinguishability.

    Capabilities Beyond Previous AI Image Tools

    While earlier AI image tools only edited or stylized real media, GANverse’s generator creates wholly new fake content from scratch:

    Realistic Fake Photos

    It can dream up composite photographic scenes and subjects that never existed, like generative art.

    Fake Videos Too

    Not just static images—the AI can generate coherent video sequences complete with movement and audio. This expands deception possibilities.

    Customizable Output

    Users provide text prompts describing desired media, allowing GANverse output to be highly customized rather than random generations.

    Versatile Applications But Also Abuse Risks

    Proper oversight ensures GANverse and similar tools benefit rather than harm society:

    Benefits If Used Responsibly

    Expanding digital/VR content, medical imaging, historical archiving, and more positive domains.

    Deepfakes and Disinformation Concerns

    Without controls, bad actors could generate undetectable fake news/media for propaganda or fraud.

    Legal and Ethical Ambiguities

    Current laws don’t clarify liabilities around synthesized multimedia, enabling abuses until policy catches up.

    Samsung Committed to Responsible Development

    The company pledges safeguarding its generative AI through mechanisms like:

    Oversight Boards and Ethics Reviews

    External committees assess applications and propose strengthened controls as threats evolve.

    Watermarking and Fraud Detection

    All GANverse output will contain hidden watermarks for tracking while machine detection improves to flag fakes.

    Limited Commercial Access

    Broader availability will require ID verification and content/compliance filters to exclude misuse.

    Regulating the Next Wave of AI

    As deepfakes proliferate, a collaborative approach between technology and policy spheres can help:

    International Standards Development

    Unified guidelines balance progress and responsibility globally as national laws adapt too slowly.

    AI Safety Research Investments

    Public funding accelerates methods securing generative systems from malicious repurposing or bias.

    Multi-stakeholder Partnerships

    All parties must work together seamlessly for balanced, equitable and proactive solutions keeping citizens safe from emerging harms.

    While Samsung and others forge ahead innovatively, close cooperation across business, government and researchers seems vital to properly supervise powerful AI and maximize its benefits for humanity. With prudence and diligence, synthetic media undoubtedly holds bright promise ahead.

    SEO Optimization:
    Focus Keyword: samsung gan ai
    Page Title: Assessing the Opportunities and Risks of Samsung’s New Generative AI Tool
    Meta Description: Samsung’s GANverse can now generate realistic fake photos and videos. But how can its capabilities be developed safely to minimize abuse risks while maximizing benefits?

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